Monday, November 18, 2013

Some typical characteristics of Americans you may not know!

The United States of America is comprised by 50 states with diverse human races, but separated by two oceans; therefore, the American are somewhat isolated. Now, let's see some famous characteristic traits of the American:

1. Individualism

The American are very individualistic, self-reliant and independent. Children are taught as adults at schools. The idiom "go dutch" which indicates that each person participating in a group activity pays for themselves, rather than any person paying for anyone else, particularly in a restaurant bill, is often used when describing friendship of Americans. Women also want to share the bill men. While the old people desire to live with their children in many countries especially in Asia, they prefer to live in retirement homes in America just because they don't want to bother their children. 

2. Privacy

People need time alone and private thoughts they never share with anyone. Children usually have their own bedroom. Most of Americans need " elbow room" which means the space allowing you to move around and the freedom to do what you want to do. It's also somewhat rude and impolite if you ask about religion, age, weight, dress size,.. when meeting some one for the first time. 

3. Equality

In some way all people are of equal of value and infomal in behavior and relationship. Both men and women join hands to do housework and take care of children, even after they get divorced. 

4. Openness

Americans are open to share their ideas and discuss frankly. Also, they're not severe when talking about the gay world, abortion and single parenting. Separation, divorce, premarital relationship in long term, sex role and friendship are most common topics of the young. 

5. Being on time

Americans place a high value on punctuality. In American culture, the commitment to spend time with some one is more important than anything else that might happen. Americans go to great lengths to keep their commitments. Even if their mother called them on the phone, they would say: " Oh, mom, I can only talk a few minutes, because i'm meeting a friend for lunch. Can you call me back when I get home?". Their mother woould not take offense at this, because their pre-existing plans take precedence over all others. 

What do you think of Americans? ;)


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