Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Common American Phrases from A-Z: Letter C (1)

How many common American phrases in daily contexts do you know? Let's upgrade them every day right on this blog! 

Letter C (1)

1. Call again.
Please visit this shop again sometime. (said by shopkeepers and clerks)

2. Can it!
Be quiet! Stop talking! Drop the subject!


3. Can you handle it?
* Are you able to deal with this problem?
* Could you handle this problem?

4. Capeesh?
Do you understand?

5. Cash or Credit?
Do you wish to pay for your purchases with cash or a credit card?

6. Catch me later and Catch me some other time.
Please try to talk to me later.

7. Certainly!

8. Check.
That is correct; that is accounted for,

9. Check, please and Could I have the bill?; Could I have the check?
Could I please have the bill for this food or drink?

10. Cheerio
Goodbye (Chiefly British)

11. Cheer up!
Don't worry! Try to be happy!

12. Clear the way!
Please get out of the way because someone or something is comming through and needs room.

Letter A
Letter B (1)
Letter B (2)


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